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Things to Look For When Buying a Used Truck


We regularly report to our customers about the importance of ensuring that when they purchase a used truck they do not get caught up with a salesman who is simply reeling off lots of spiel some which won’t necessarily be true in order to just make a sale.

At Trucks 2 Go Ltd we always put the needs and requirements of our customers first, we would never just make a used truck sale if we were not confident that it was one hundred percent right for them. Whether you choose to purchase a used truck from us or elsewhere there should be a number of items you MUST check:

Mileage, our top tip is to have a maximum mileage that you want your used truck to have and ensure you stick to it. When looking at a used truck you need to work on the basis that their average mileage is around 12,000 miles per year. A truck which is say four years old should have around 48,000 miles on average and anything over this may indicate intense usage.

Paint, now although you should never pick a used truck based on its colour what you need to check the paintwork of is around the tailpipe, mouldings, windows, inside wheel well hood, door and trunk openings for any over spray. If there is some present then this could well point out a repair following a collision or worse still it could have been sprayed to cover rust damage.

Rust, mentioned above you need to check the used truck for any signs of rusting as this will cause a huge problem. Unfortunately there is no way to stop the spread of rust except to replace that part of the vehicle or panel and this can prove an expensive process.

Leaks, look underneath the vehicle and on the floor around where it is positioned. If there are any leaks then this indicates the need for repairs which are extremely expensive. Bear in mind the seller may have moved the vehicle whilst you come to view it so ask them where it is normally parked. If you look around the water pump and head gaskets then you will be able to see if there are any deposits which could indicate coolant leaks.

Tyres, yes it is easy to change a tyre but a problem or uneven tyre wear could point to a bigger problem regarding the used truck suspension so do take a look at the tyres.

Interior, ensure you check over the entire interior of the truck and take note of its condition. Reasonable wear is expected from a used vehicle but check items such as the seat covers as they may be hiding sagging seats with little support. Also check the vehicle pedal pads, ones which are new could suggest heavy use which they have tried to cover up. Pull back the carpets and check for any water, leaks and flooding as well as smelling to ensure that there is no damage caused by a leak. If there is water damage within the trunk it will indicate faulty assembly or damage caused through a collision. Whilst looking in the interior take note of any missing hardware which includes door handles, knobs, buttons, defective seatbelts and lots lots more.

Instrument Panel, whilst we talk about missing buttons it is vital that you check all the accessories of the used truck, lights, heater, radio, windscreen wipes, warning lights and the gauges. All of these should work and therefore not malfunction. If these are not working then you could be faced with a hefty bill in order to get them to work. Air conditioning systems are expensive to repair and so if it is included on the used truck and is something you require ensure that the air coming out the vent outlets is cold. Whilst looking at the instrument panel look to see if there are any modifications such as new radios and audio systems as these if not done correctly can seriously damage the overall performance of the vehicle. Similarly any disconnecting electrical systems should be a cause for concern and expensive to repair so make sure you check.

Going Under, you may need someone to help you with this one but you need to ensure you check the mechanics of your used truck. Items such as belts and hoses, batteries, air filters, ignition wires, oil, transmission, exhaust, spark plugs and emissions control should be checked and someone mechanical will know immediately if any of these are faulty.

Ensure you follow our useful information when purchasing a used truck. For a professional service and a quality truck you can rely on then come to Trucks 2 Go Ltd on 01925 766527 or email

5th January 2012, 11:51
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Page updated 5th Jan 2012, 11:51
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