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How to Find a Quality Used Truck?

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With the financial strain which is placed on companies currently and budgets being tightened companies who require transport in order to deliver their products and services have to look to purchase used trucks rather than brand new trucks.

As the budgets of businesses are being tightened they want to purchase a used truck which is reliable, fuel efficient and will not end up breaking down all the time costing them both time and money. Companies are looking for used trucks which are multipurpose and adaptable to a number of situations such as town driving, rough terrain driving and one which will travel a lengthy distance at ease.

In addition to the above demands the companies want the used truck to be comfortable for their driver too! Now you may well think that this is a impossible list to fulfil by purchase of a used truck but you will be surprised what high quality used trucks are out there for a whole range of budgets.

Trucks 2 Go Ltd are one of the UK’s fastest growing suppliers of used trucks and with over 17 years of experience behind us along with a extremely friendly service we can find you the used truck you require for the budget you have.

If you are a company or business who is looking for a used truck then make sure you follow our top three tips:

Used Truck Dealer

There are lots of companies out there who are selling used trucks. The way they entice people to their business over the other competition is through unbelievable prices but do not be fooled! More often than not if the price is too good to be true then it probably is! The low prices of the used trucks will be reflected within their appearance, performance and mechanical issues.

At Trucks 2 Go we offer the highest quality used trucks available on the market but we offer them at the best prices possible. We will sit down with a potential customer and take the time to establish with them exactly what it is they are looking for and requirements the truck must have before recommending a few options to them which of course are within their price range.

Think Mechanical

We would suggest that when looking at a used truck you do take a look underneath the bonnet to see the condition of the engine and general condition underneath there. Now if you are that someone who most definitely not mechanical we suggest that you take someone with you who does know a bit more to ensure you are not “fobbed off” and confused by any technical language which the dealer may try and con you with.

Trucks 2 Go Ltd will happily let any customer look underneath the bonnet of our trucks to which you will find that they are mechanically sound and will be a reliable used truck to purchase.  We offer hands on demonstrations of our trucks where a member of our team will give you the keys and let you turn it off/on, sit inside the truck, test the lights and anything else our customers feel necessary in order to be completely satisfied and well informed when making the decision to purchase a used truck.

Get Personal

There is nothing worse when you want to purchase a product or service and then you find yourself confronted by sales spiel. This is no different with used truck sales, some dealers out there just simply want to make the sale and so they don’t really bother about sitting down with a potential customer to work out the finer details and thus ensure the truck they sell will be most suited to the tasks which it is required to fulfil.

This isn’t us! Trucks 2 Go Ltd take the extra time to sit down with our customers and talk about what the truck will be used for. From this discussion we are able to get a better picture about what they would like the truck to have and what they must have the used truck to feature.  A number of our customers have come to us with a list of items which they want their used truck to feature; the most unusual part is that in most cases when they tell us what the truck is going to be doing what they highlight as being a necessity sometimes isn’t!

If you want expert advice from a friendly team about purchasing a used truck then come to Trucks 2 Go Ltd; there will be no pushy salesmen reeling off the spiel and there will be no attitude of “let’s just make a sale”. We want to provide our customers with the best used truck they can get for their budget.

Even if you do not come to us then make sure you follow our top three tips and then you won’t get stung and fall victim to an inexperienced used truck dealer.

For more information then please call us today on 01925 766527 or email our friendly team

6th January 2012, 10:48
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Page updated 6th Jan 2012, 10:48
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