It has been announced that a total of £17 million is going to be spent on upgrading the White Rose Way in Doncaster shortly. So if you are a used truck driver who regularly uses this stretch then you are going to benefit as well as other motorists using this road.
Now we know what you’re thinking; it is okay as it is why do they need to change it and cause congestion? However, as mentioned it is going to be beneficial and between Junction 3 of the M18 to the roundabout at Potteric Carr the road will be duelled in the attempt to reduce traffic jams and ease congestion.
As part of the upgrade there is going to be new footpaths and cycle ways introduced as well as some toucan crossings. This is in an attempt to make the road far more user friendly. The hope is that it is going to make a massive difference to the local people as well as also benefitting businesses and road users.
This is one part of twenty schemes which will see the chosen roads upgraded in order to benefit a number of people within the area. Upgrading this particular road will mean that more jobs are supported and there will be a better transport link to the various places.
In total there is going to be £854 million invested into 21 local transport schemes and one of these will see Chester Road in Birmingham widened. These improvements are undoubtedly going to make a huge improvement to a number of roads but obviously these improvements come at a price.
For more information then please contact us on 01925 766527 or email